A team at Harvard University along with EPA and other coauthors developed a gridded inventory of U.S. anthropogenic methane emissions with 0.1° x 0.1° spatial resolution, monthly temporal resolution, and detailed scale-dependent error characterization. The inventory is designed to be consistent with the 2016 U.S. EPA Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks estimates for the year 2012, which presents national totals for different source types. The gridded inventory was developed using a wide range of databases at the state, county, local, and point source level to allocate the spatial and temporal distribution of emissions for individual source types.
Mac os x 9.1 free download. This data can be used by researchers to better compare the national-level inventory with measurement results that may be at other scales. Users of this gridded inventory are asked to cite the original reference (Maasakkers et al., 2016) in their publications. Error estimates are given in that reference.
Gridded SSURGO (gSSURGO) is similar to the standard USDA-NRCS Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database product but in the format of an Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI®) file geodatabase. A file geodatabase has the capacity to store much more data and thus greater spatial extents than the traditional SSURGO product. Argo's more than 3500 floats provide 100,000 plus temperature and salinity profiles each year which create a large data set available on the Argo GDACs. As an alternative to using individual profiles from the GDACs, different groups around the world have produced various products based on Argo data. The Gridded Population of the World (GPW) collection, now in its fourth version (GPWv4), models the distribution of human population (counts and densities) on a continuous global raster surface. Since the release of the first version of this global population surface in 1995, the essential inputs to GPW have been population census tables. Gridded-methods: specify spatial data as being gridded, or find out whether they are Description. Returns logical (TRUE or FALSE) telling whether the object is gridded or not; in assignment promotes a non-gridded structure to a gridded one, or demotes a gridded structure back to a non-structured one.
Paper: Maasakkers et. al. 2016, A Gridded National Inventory of U.S. Methane Emissions
Maps based on the gridded 2012 methane data
Pixelmator mac download. Gridded 2012 Methane Data(3 pp, 13 MB) Comic life 2 mac download. : This ZIP file contains .nc files with daily, monthly, and annual data.
See Full List On Nrcs.usda.gov
Datasets | Description | OPeNDAP |
CMAP Precipitation | Monthly and pentad global gridded precipitation means. It includes a standard and enhanced version (with NCEP Reanalysis) from 1979 to near the present. | Catalog |
COBE-SST | Monthly 1x1 SST dataset from 1891 to present from the JMA. Datasets uses 3D Var to fill gaps. | Catalog |
COBE-SST2 Sea Surface Temperature | Monthly 1x1 SST dataset from 1850 to present from the JMA. | Catalog |
CPC .25x.25 Daily US Unified Precipitation | High resolution gridded precipitation over the US (from station data) for 1948 to 2006 extending to the present for a real-time version. | Catalog |
CPC Hourly Precipitation | NCEP's hourly gridded US station precipitation from 1948. | Catalog |
CPC Soil Moisture | Monthly Gridded CPC Soil Moisture from a model from 1948 to present. | Catalog |
CRU Air Temperature and Combined Air Temperature/Marine Anomalies V4 | Global gridded (5°x5°) monthly anomalies of observed air temperature and combined observed air and marine temperature (HADCRU4) from the mid 1800's to near present.Current version is V4.2.0 which was put out 5/9/2013. | Catalog |
Dai Palmer Drought Severity Index | Monthly gridded global PDSI (Palmer Drought Severity Index) values from 1850-2010 from NCAR. | Catalog |
GHCN Version 3 Land Temperature Dataset | GHCN V3 contains gridded temperature anomalies calculated from the GHCN version 3 monthly temperature data set. | Catalog |
GHCN version 2 Land Precipitation Dataset | GHCN V2 contains gridded precipitation anomalies calculated from the GHCN version 2 monthly precipitation data set. 2,064 homogeneity adjusted precipitation stations were combined with a data set containing 20,590 raw precipitation stations throughout the world onto a 72x36 (5degx5deg) global grid. | Catalog |
NOAA GHCN_CAMS Land Temperature Analysis | GHCN CAMS is a high resolution (0.5x0.5) analyzed global land surface temperatures from 1948 to near present. | Catalog |
GISS surface temperature analysis | Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS/NASA) surface temperature analysis for the globe; globally gridded at a 2x2 resolution. | Catalog |
NCEP GODAS ocean analysis | High Resolution Multi-level ocean analysis from NCEP | Catalog |
Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) | GPCC Global Precipitation Climatology Centre monthly precipitation dataset from 1901-present is calculated from global station data. | Catalog |
GPCP V2.3 Precipitation | Global Precipitation Climatology Project monthly precipitation dataset from 1979-present combines observations and satellite precipitation data into 2.5°x2.5° global grids. | Catalog |
ICOADS | Global surface marine data from 1800 to near the present summarized in monthly gridded formats (2°x2° boxes, or 1°x1° boxes from 1960 forward), and offering a variety of statistics. | Catalog |
Interpolated OLR | Gridded daily and monthly OLR data from NCAR with temporal interpolation. See the related Uninterpolated OLR dataset. | Catalog |
Kaplan SST | Gridded global SST anomalies from 1856-present derived from UK Met Office SST data which has had sophisticated statistical techniques applied to it to fill in gaps. | Catalog |
Livneh daily CONUS near-surface gridded meteorological and derived hydrometeorological data. | This CONUS daily dataset from 1915 to 2011 is 1/16 resolution. The dataset variables have been generated using the Variable Infiltration Capacity VIC hydrologic model v.4.1.2.c which was driven with the companion meteorological data. | Catalog |
NCEP Operational Analysis | NCEP's twice-daily global analysis at 2.5° resolution on pressure levels which is a product of their operational forecast system. | Catalog |
NCEP Marine | Marine data gathered by NCEP summarized into ICOADS-compatible (2°x2° box) statistics. Production of this dataset at PSL was phased out effective in Mar. 2011 (thus data cover 1991-Feb. 2011). | Catalog |
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis | A state-of-the-art analysis/forecast system is used to perform data assimilation using data from 1948 to the present. | Catalog |
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Products Derived at NOAA/PSL | A subset of the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis has been processed to create monthly means of the original data, and in some cases, derived variables or other statistics. | Catalog |
NCEP/DOE Reanalysis II | A state-of-the-art analysis/forecast system is used to perform data assimilation using data from 1979 through 2003. A large subset of this data is available from NOAA/PSL in its original 4 times daily format and as daily averages. | Catalog |
NOAA Extended Reconstructed SST V3b | A global monthly SST analysis from 1854 to the present derived from ICOADS data with missing data filled in by statistical methods. | Catalog |
NOAA Extended Reconstructed SST V4 | A global monthly SST analysis from 1854 to the present derived from ICOADS data with missing data filled in by statistical methods. | Catalog |
NOAA Extended Reconstructed SST V5 | A global monthly SST analysis from 1854 to the present derived from ICOADS data with missing data filled in by statistical methods. | Catalog |
NOAA's Outgoing Longwave Radiation–Daily Climate Data Record (OLR–Daily CDR): NOAA/PSL Interpolated Version | Gridded daily 1x1 OLR CDR data from NCDC interpolated to -90 to 90. | Catalog |
NOAA High-resolution Blended Analysis of Daily SST and Ice. | NOAA High-resolution Blended Analysis of Daily SST and Ice. Data is from Sep 1981 and is on a 1/4 deg global grid. | Catalog |
NOAA Global Surface Temperature (NOAAGlobalTemp) | Monthly gridded anomalies of air temperature from the GHCN-M and the NOAA ERSST V4 dataset. | Catalog |
NOAA Optimum Interpolation (OI) SST V2 | Produced weekly on a 1° grid. The analysis uses in situ and satellite SST's plus SST's simulated by sea-ice cover. Before the analysis is computed, the satellite data is adjusted for biases. Monthly and monthly long-term means are also available. | Catalog |
NOAA Highly Reflective Clouds | Subjectively identified areas of large-scale organized convection over the global tropics have been gridded daily for a 15-year period from 1971 to 1988. | Catalog |
NODC (Levitus) World Ocean Atlas 1994 | Annual, seasonal and monthly long term means for temperature and salinity at multiple depth. Several statistics such as number of observations are included in separate files. | Catalog |
NODC (Levitus) World Ocean Atlas 1998 | The atlas contains annual, seasonal, and monthly long term means for temperature and salinity at multiple depths. Several statistics, including nobs are included in separate files, along with two 'mask' files. | Catalog |
NOAA's Precipitation Reconstruction (PREC) | NOAA's Precipitation Reconstruction (PREC) | Catalog |
NOAA's Precipitation Reconstruction over Land (PREC/L) | NOAA's Precipitation Reconstruction over Land (PREC/L) | Catalog |
PSL South America Daily Gridded Precipitation | South America daily precipitation from gauges on 1.0 and 2.5 degree grids. | N/A |
North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) | NCEP's high resolution combined model and assimilated dataset. It covers 1979 to near present and is provided 8-times daily, daily and monthly on a Northern Hemisphere Lambert Conformal Conic grid for all variables. | Catalog |
Northern Hemisphere EASE-Grid Snow Cover and Sea Ice Extent | The NSIDC weekly snowcover and ice dataset has been interpolated to a 1°x1° Northern Hemisphere grid and a monthly time-scale covering 1971 to 1995. | Catalog |
NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis (V2) | 20th Century Reanalysis contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the late 19th century to 21st century. | Catalog |
NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis (V2c) | NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis V2c contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the mid 19th century to 21st century. | Catalog |
NOAA-CIRES-DOE 20th Century Reanalysis V3 | NOAA-CIRES-DOE 20th Century Reanalysis V3 contains objectively-analyzed 4-dimensional weather maps and their uncertainty from the early 19th century to the 21st century. (20CR Project). | Catalog |
U. of Delaware Precipitation and Air Temperature | Monthly global gridded high resolution station (land) data for air temperature and precipitation from 1900-2014. | Catalog |
Uninterpolated OLR | Gridded OLR data from NCEP without interpolation. See the Interpolated OLR dataset for an interpolated version. | Catalog |
CPC Global Precipitation | Daily Gridded CPC Precipitation for 1979 to present. | Catalog |
CPC Global Temperature | Daily Gridded CPC Temperature from the GTS for 1979 to present. | Catalog |