
Next, create a RaycastHit2D variable to check for hit information and pass in the mouse’s world position (but as a Vector2, so ignoring the 3rd Z value), set the Ray’s direction to zero (0,0) and set the Ray to zero distance (0). A raycast is used to detect objects that lie along the path of a ray and is conceptually like firing a laser beam into the Scene and observing which objects are hit by it. The RaycastHit2D class is used by Physics2D.Raycast and other functions to return information about the objects detected by raycasts. See Also: Physics2D.Raycast, Ray2D class.

Watch the tutorial on youtube here:

In this tutorial we will build a basic project where you can have a unity 2d platformer where you can do normal jumps and wall jumps. We will setup some basic platforms and a player in typical prototype mode, which you can use to add your own graphics to later on to create your platformer. Here is what you should have at the end of this tutorial. We will also use cinemachine to allow for a camera follow of our player. Setup physics correctly so that we have a more cartoony type physics. We also will do some ray casting debugging to make sure we can see how our raycasts are detecting collisions.

Setting up our 2d platformer scene

We will need a few things to setup our scene. We firstly need to add some folders to our project. You can do that by right clicking in the folder panel and then create the following folder structure for your project.

Replicate these folders.

Great so next we want to setup some basic shapes and their properties. First we want to create a square for our player. To do that we go to our sprites folder. We will also be creating some squares for our platforms. Start off with a square. By following the following steps.

Let’s now bring our player into our scene by dragging our player sprite into our scene. Zero out the transform. Like this.

We want to add a few things now to our player so that we can detect some collisions and control our player. For that we need to add a RigidBody2D and a BoxCollider2D. To do that click on add component and add the RigidBody2D and add the BoxCollider2D. We want to set some settings on our Rigidbody so that we can have some realistic cartoony physics. See below how mine is setup then I will just highlight what was changed.

I have set my Player mass to 0.1 and removed all angular and linear drag. I then made the gravity scale to 4 so that our player can fall quite quickly. Also take note that the constraints are freezing rotation on the z-axis so that our player does not fall over. For our box collider we just keep it standard. Our collider should have already been setup to fit our square player so we can now move on. Next we want to create 2 more squares. One we will resize vertically to make a wall and the second we will scale horizontally to form a platform. So you should have some thing like this.


Make sure to add a boxcollider2d for both of these types of squares.

You can also change the color of your squares by going to the sprite renderer for your wall or platform. You can click on the color to change your color.

We now just need to tag our walls and platforms so that we can detect them. To do this add tags and assign them.

We now have everything in our scene which we need to get started on our script for moving our player.

Creating our unity 2d plaformer player movement controller script

Raycasting 2d Unity

In order to make our player move we need to do a few things, we need to add some raycasts which will let us know when our player is standing on the floor or is against the wall.

Then we can determine whether the player can jump or not. If they are in the air we can’t allow them to jump again, unless ofcourse if you are building a flappy bird clone. In which case you might want your player to be able to move up and fall down. So one of the first things we want to do is get a reference to our player’s rigidbody. Then we want to get the collider so we can get the bounds of our player then we can setup some raycasts to do some detection. We also want to create some states in our script for what our player may or may not do. Let’s just jump in to the code then I will explain it after wards.

Platformer code

First we declare a few raycasthit2d variables. We want to know if our player is on the floor is touching the right or left side of a wall or they are hitting the bottom of a platform. For this we start off by declaring raycasthits for bottom, top, right and left.

We want to declare a speed variable and jumpHeight so we can use this to move our player left and right at a certain speed and also define how high our player can jump. Then we declare a allowedToJump variable, so when it’s set to false our player will not be able to jump. We also have a touchingWall variable to allow us to check our player is against the wall.

In our start method we get our rigidbody component and we get our bounds with our collider. We add a .1f to it so that we have a position where our ray can start, we need it to start outside of our player’s collider so it cannot collide with our collider otherwise we might get false detections.

Next we add a GetInput method which as you may have guessed will take our input. We will use the getaxisraw function on the horizontal axis to get our direction. We will just check if our direction is 0 we will basically apply no velocity. Once we have a direction we will apply the x velocity and the y velocity will remain as the rigidbody velocity on the y axis. For our jump we check if we allowed to jump and whether the spacebar key has been pressed. If this is allowed we apply the x velocity from our rigidbody and we use our jumpHeight for our y velocity.

Raycasthit2d Example

In our update method we will call our getinput method so that we can get our input. The next thing we do is setup some raycasts. We want to make sure our raycasts cast from outside our player collider about 0.2f to the right for our right detection, 0.2f to the left, 0.2f above our player and 0.2f below our player.

We then check if our raycast hits any of the colliders from the platforms or walls and handle them appropriately. For our wall jump we need to re enable allow jump if we not on the floor and against the wall. Great so that’s how the code works. If you would like to get hold of the source code you can download it here.

Adding a player follow camera

For this we need to head over to our asset store and the cinemachine asset to our project. If you haven’t downloaded it yet you will get a download button otherwise you will just get a import button. Here is what it should look like.

Once you have imported you should now have a option at the top of the menu bar called cinemachine. We want to add a 2d camera like so.

From here it’s really easy to setup. You just need to click on the cinemachine camera in your hierarchy.

Then simply drag your player into the camera under the follow slot.

Set the camera distance to 15 or something that makes sense for your game and walla that is the end of this tutorial. You can now make this more fun by adding some particle effects and doing some polish. If you want to check out some other unity 2d tutorials, here is one I did on 2d top down player movement controllers in unity 2d. I also have a course on making a unity3d city builder or rts game.


How to make a unity 2d platformer?

In order to make a unity 2d platformer. You will need some basic graphics for a player, some platforms and some item pickups. For a prototype you can use normal objects like squares, rectangles and circles to build out your unity 2d platformer. You will need a way to control a rigidbody2d which you will add to your platformer player. Some collision detection on your platforms as well as triggers for your item pickups. You can also use some free sound generators like sfxr to make sounds for your 2d platformer game. Then use inkscape to create some images for your game UI and main menu. You can use unity 2d post processing pipeline to help you spruice up the atmosphere of your game. Use cinemachine to introduce camera shake for feedback to the player of your platformer game.

How do I create a unity 2d platformer character controller?

Raycasthit2d Array

In order to achieve this you will need to build a custom script. Which can handle jump, double jump, allow for fall off from platforms, wall jump, grappling if your game needs it and moving left and right. Your controller must also be able to switch between various animation states.