Wordpress To Markdown


You can use Markdown with WordPress and SublimeText 2. Both are super easy to setup. For WordPress, all you have to do it download and install (and. Want to know how to install WordPress? Follow this step by step setup instructions to learn how to install WordPress on cPanel, FTP, on your computer, etc.

The library packages that you would need for this purpose are:

  • RWordPress
  • knitr
Wordpress markdown supportWordpress markdown to html

You can download RWordPress package from Git hub.

After you have the libraries loaded, you need to set up access to your wordpress site. For that, you will need:

Wordpress Markdown Code Highlighting

  1. XML-RPC of your WordPress Blog
  2. Valid User Credentials
  3. Rmarkdown file to post

The “knit2wp” function reads your markdown file and posts directly to your Blog a new blog post. You can configure whether you would like to publish the blog directly or not and also pass other parameters related to the post like keywords with this function.

You can upload texts, code blocks and outputs including the graphs with the help of this function setup.

Adding Colors and Syntax Highlights

By default, when we post WordPress Blog post directly from R Studio, the syntax highlights, and coloring are not compatible with WordPress Blog themes. We will need to manually provide reference to CSS and Javascript libraries for syntax highlighting codes.

We can achieve this by adding the following function in our functions.php file.


Export Wordpress To Markdown
