Programming Languages List

  • According to the HOPL online database of languages, out of the 8,500+ programming languages recorded, roughly 2,400 of them were developed in the United States, 600 in the United Kingdom, 160 in Canada, and 75 in Australia. Thus, over a third of all programming languages have been developed in countries where English is the primary language.
  • Jan 21, 2014 What it is: A general-purpose, imperative programming language developed in the early '70s, C is the oldest and most widely used language, providing the building blocks for other popular languages.
  • Knowing various programming languages is a no-brainer for engineers, but a basic understanding of the languages can benefit anyone, even if you're not looking to become a master coder.
  • For decades, Tiobe (the software quality company) has generated an index of the most popular programming languages. They update this list monthly, pulling in data from hundreds of sources around the world. For more on how the Tiobe Index is calculated, see here. GitHub is one of the largest code repositories in use today.

According to the HOPL online database of languages, out of the 8,500+ programming languages recorded, roughly 2,400 of them were developed in the United States, 600 in the United Kingdom, 160 in Canada, and 75 in Australia. Thus, over a third of all programming languages have been developed in countries where English is the primary language.

Unless it is specified, the date is for the first working implementation.
More details about the languages in the History of language. Any comment is welcomed.


  • Plankalkül. First high-level language. The date is that of the first public description.


  • Short Code.


  • A-0 (starting work for Math-Matic).


  • Autocode.


  • FLOW-MATIC. By Grace Hopper, first language with words.


  • IPL.


  • Fortran.
  • Math-Matic.


  • Fortran II.
  • Lisp, work begins by John Mc Carthy at MIT..
  • ALGOL 58 also called IAL (International Algorithmic Language). Original specification by a comitee of European and American computer scientists.
  • IAL.
  • UNCOL. First intermediate language for a virtual machine.


  • Lisp 1.5.
  • COBOL, work begins.


  • ALGOL 60. Revision of ALGOL 58, and first implementation.
  • APL, work begins.
  • COBOL defined.
  • First JIT functions used for Lisp.


  • APL implemented.
  • Fortran IV appears.
  • SNOBOL, work begins.
  • Simula.


  • ALGOL 60 is revised.
  • CPL. Universities of Cambridge and of London. Extended version of Algol 60. Predecessor of BCPL.
  • PL/1, work begins.
  • Joss.


  • Apl-360 is implemented.
  • Basic.
  • PL/1.
  • COWSEL. Renamed POP-1 in 1966, sort of Lisp without parenthesis.
  • MATHLAB. Became popular since MATHLAB 68.


  • Snobol 3.


  • Bcpl .
  • Fortran 66.
  • Lisp 2.
  • Logo, work begins.
  • ISWIM.


  • Snobol 4.
  • Simula 67. First language with objets. They interact by calling methods of other object, a design taken by C++ and many other language. First also to implement coroutines.
  • Mumps.


  • ALGOL 68.
  • Altran (a fortran variant).
  • COBOL officially defined by ANSI.
  • Pascal - work begins.
  • Logo implemented.
  • Refal. Goal-oriented pattern-matching, simpler than Prolog (1970).
  • QED: The scripting language of the editor uses regular expressions and one of first JIT interpreters, designed by Ken Thompson.


  • PL/I Implementation.
  • B. Précurseur de C et C++.
  • Planner.


  • Prolog - work begins.
  • Smalltalk - work begins. Fully object oriented, they communicate by sending messages, a design taken by Objective-C.
  • Pascal.
  • MUMPS designed.
  • POP-2. Seems to be the first functional language, applying lambda calculus.


  • PL-11.


  • Description of Plankalkül published.
  • C.
  • Prolog implemented.
  • Intercal.
  • SASL. Purely functional, based on ISWIM.


  • Comal.
  • Forth. First stack-based language, a principle applied to the Java virtual machine.
  • ML. Influenced most functional languages including Haskell, Erlang and OCaml.
  • Golux. Hayes described a procedural and logic language but did not implement it.


  • COBOL, second ANSI specification.


  • Tiny Basic, runs on a microcomputer.
  • Basic, from Bill Gates and Paul Allen implemented on Altair, an 8080-based microcomputer by Mits.
  • Scheme. Sort of Lisp.
  • CLU. Invented iterator and generator with the yield keyword.


  • DSL, Design System Language, ancestor of PostScript.


  • AWK. For text processing.
  • Forth.
  • Mumps - ANSI standard. Later renamed M.
  • Ada, work begins.
  • FIG-Forth, implementation of Forth.
  • UCSD Pascal, on PDP-11 and Z80-based computers.
  • Modula, work begins.
  • IDL.
  • Bourne Shell.
  • Icon. Goal-oriented.


  • Fortran 77 ansi standard defined.


  • Rexx.
  • Icon implemented.


  • Smalltalk-80.
  • Modula-2.
  • C++.


  • Common LISP work begins.
  • Fifth Generation Computer System project based upon Prolog in Japan.


  • ISO Pascal.
  • Objective C.


  • Ada implemented.
  • C compilers for microcomputers by Microsoft and also Digital.
  • C++ implemented.
  • Turbo Pascal (advertised in Byte, great success).


  • Apl 2.
  • Clipper.


  • Forth used to control a submersible that locates the wreck of the Titanic.
  • Oberon started.
  • Snobol 4 for microcomputers.
  • Postscript delivered on a printer.
  • AMPL. For modeling.
  • Caml.
  • Miranda. Functional, strongly inspired Haskell.


  • Smalltalk/V for microcomputers.
  • Turbo Prolog.
  • Actor.
  • Eiffel.
  • Erlang by Joe Armstrong.
  • C++ achieved.


  • Hypertalk.
  • Perl.
  • SQL 87.


  • Oberon implemented.
  • Tcl.


  • ANSI C specification published.
  • C++ 2.0 defined with multiple inheritance.
  • Modula 3.
  • Miranda.


  • C++ 2.1 , defined with templates and exception-handling.
  • Fortran 90 adds case statements and derived types.
  • J language.
  • Haskell.


  • Python.
  • Visual Basic.


  • Dylan.
  • Disco.


  • AppleScript.
  • Self. Inspired by Smalltalk, uses a JIT interpreter before Java was invented.
  • Lua.


  • Java. Preliminary version.


  • Java, first public release with the HotJava browser on May 23.
  • Ada 95 - ISO revision includes OOP added support for real-time systems.
  • JavaScript.
  • PHP.
  • Delphi, version of Pascal.
  • Ruby.
  • Mercury.


  • NetRexx.
  • OCalm.


  • ECMAScript (Standard for JavaScript).
  • Rebol .


  • Erlang open source.


  • Standard C99.
  • Standard ECMAScript 1.5.
  • Moto.


  • C Scharp (C#).
  • D. A version of C++ with dynamic arrays and garbage collector.


  • Aspect J.
  • Scriptol.
  • SuperX++.


  • Factor.


  • PHP 5.
  • Scala.
  • Boo, derived from Python.
  • ActionScript.


  • Scriptol Interpreter.
  • JavaFX Script.
  • F#.


  • Objective Modula 2.
  • Rust. System language as C.
  • Cyclone.
  • Haxe.


  • Clojure.
  • Nu.
  • Scratch (MIT).


  • EGL (IBM). Compiled into other high level languages. Evolution of a tool created in 1981.
  • Objective J.


  • Agena.
  • Crack. Scripting language by Google, with a C++ syntax.
  • Go. System and server language by Google, replaces both C, C++ or Python.
  • Noop.
  • CoffeeScript.


  • Ani. All statements run concurrently in this language.
  • Fabric.
  • Gosu.
  • Julia. Mathematical language compatible with C throught LLVM. Open sourced in 2012.


  • Dart. A JavaScript replacement by Google.
  • DRAKON. Graphical language of specifications but with a universal use.
  • Xtend. A successor to Java by the Eclipse Foundation.
  • C++11. New version of C++.
  • Pure. Functional language.
  • Deca. System programming.
  • Clay. Generic programming.
  • Red. Rebol-like.
  • Rust. Concurrent system language, alternative to C, by Mozilla. First compiler in 2012, used by the Servo rendering engine.
  • Xtend. A Java pre-compiler by the Eclipse Foundation.
  • Squirrel. Object oriented scripting language.


  • Blocky. Visual language by Google.
  • Halide. Graphic language by the MIT.
  • TypeScript. By Microsoft, alternative to Dart but compiled into JavaScript.
  • Ceylon. By Red Hat. Similar to Dart or TypeScript but compiles into Java bytecode.
  • Elixir. A clean version of Erlang.
  • LLJS. Low Level JavaScript is intermediate between C and JavaScript and compiles in JavaScript.
  • Kotlin. By JetBrain, for the JVM.
  • Quorum. OOL with a clean syntax for the JVM.
  • Elm. Functional and reactive. JS frontend.


  • Asm.js. Not a language in itself, but a subset of JavaScript with an AOT compiler. This is especially a new way to make applications.
  • BODOL. Functional, Lisp-like language.
  • Wolfram. Interface to Mathematica, for knowledge processing and symbolic computation.


  • Dotty. By one of authors of Scala, and derived from Scala.
  • Hack. By Facebook, a version of PHP statically typed.
  • Jeeves. By Jean Yang. A language adapted to protect user privacy. Implemented like extensions to Scala and Python.
  • Swift. By Apple to remplace Objective-C on MacOS or iOS.
  • Wyvern by Carnegie Mellon University, for high-assurance apps.
  • Avail. Amost natural language.
  • Loci. C++ less the complexity, compatibility through the LLVM code.


  • Crystal. Compiled language with the syntax of Ruby.


  • Simit. MIT, created to replace Matlab, syntax of Julia but compile to C++.
  • Zig. A parody language from Mozilla which imitates Rust.


  • WebAssembly. W3C, intermediate language running in the browser.
  • Hobbes. Morgan Stanley Bank. To be used standalone of as a pattern-matching extension to C++.


  • Bosque. By Microsoft. Another C-like designed to be simple while introducing new designs in programming.
For the alphabetical order, see the complete list.

It was not a time back when there were few people who were considered as Computer programmers. But now, out of 100 people 90 people are programmers. Therefore it leads to the various software companies to build their own Computer Languages list. So if you are one who is interested to get yourself into coding then you will have a lot of options to choose from. Perhaps it is quite complicated to choose the best one that is easy to learn as well as Advanced to do modern coding. So if you are searching for such then you are in the right place. In this guide, we have discussed all about some of the best Programming Languages list that you can put to use.

List of Best Computing Languages List 2020:

If you are a beginner in this field of programming then you need to keep in mind that it is necessary to choose the best as well as the modern programming languages. There are hundreds of Programming Languages list that are used widely across the globe. In addition to that, each one has its Twists and its own way to behave. So in this List of Programming Languages, you will get to know some of the best languages.

Programming Languages List

Programming Languages List: Top 11 Coding Languages

  1. Python: Advanced Coding Language
  2. Java: Adopted Programming Language
  3. Ruby: Dynamic Programming Language
  4. Scala: Modern Programming Language
  5. C++: Generic Programming Language
  6. SQL: Top Programming Language
  7. Go: Computational Programming Language
  8. Kotline: Primary Language for Development
  9. TypeScript: Open-Source Programming Language
  10. Swift: Fastest-Growing Programming Language
  11. JavaScript: Primary Language of Coding

1. Python

Starting the list with the most well known as well as a popular programming language today. Nowadays, most of the programming is done on Python. The basic reason behind its popularity is the ease of use. Python is a very user-friendly and easy programming language which is very helpful for beginners. Also, it is available to you for free. Python is basically an open-source programming language with community development as well as extensive support modules. Apart from that, it also provides easy integration with web services, GUI-based desktop applications, and User-friendly Data. Additionally, Python is used to develop or create 2D imaging and 3D animation. Besides, Python is also popular among websites like Quora, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.

LevelBeginner- It can be used by beginners to carry out productive works.
Skills RequiredAbstract Thinking and Problem Solving Capabilities.
PlatformAll except Smartphones.
PopularityPython is very popular among all the Programmers.
  • Very Flexible
  • Easily readable
  • Complied to Scripted as opposed
DisadvantagesIt does not have basic programming concepts.
UsageWidely Used across the globe for various purposes, such as business, technical education.

2. Java

Before Python, Java topped the list of Programming Languages. It was well known for being the most common as well as in demand for computer programming languages. Basically the Java is owned by the Oracle Corporation. Perhaps, the best thing about Java is that it can be used regardless of the platform. That means you can modify or run the Java program on any OS such as Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. However, the reason is that Java is WORA (Write Once, Run Anywhere). Therefore Java was well known for its portability among various platforms. Perhaps, Java is widely used among various big enterprises and by several websites such as Youtube, Google, Amazon, etc.

Skills RequiredAbstract Thinking, Problem Solving Capabilities and Object-oriented Structure knowledge.
PlatformWebsite, Desktop and Mobile
PopularityJava is very popular among all the Programmers and is on high demand.
  • A good start to choose.
  • Flexible.
  • Easily readable on any platform.
  • You can access and manipulate different corners of the System.
DisadvantagesNeeds knowledge about new vocabulary as well as higher-level knowledge of the language
UsageWidely used across the globe for various purposes, such as business, technical education and highly applicable in a different system.
Programming Languages List

3. Ruby

Developed in the 90s, Ruby is one of the most common and widely used programming languages for beginners. Basically, it was totally designed for more human-friendly syntax. At certain points, it is one of the well-known flexible languages. According to experts, Ruby is one of the most user-friendly to write and run on. However, in the list of all Programming Languages, Ruby is well known for its short and easy learning requirements. Therefore this led to the more usage of this by the small industries to put out most of the programming in a very short period of time.

LevelBeginner knowledge is sufficient.
Skills RequiredAbstract Thinking and Problem Solving Capabilities.
PopularityNot well known to all, although popular enough.
  • Very Flexible
  • Easily readable
  • Have good programming Styles
DisadvantagesNothing Specifically
UsageUsed by limited personnel.

4. Scala

Just like Java, Scala is another well-known programming language. Although it is not known too much, however, it has been providing different programming languages. When the Scala is combined with Java, it provides some of the best features to get from modern programming languages. Such as the Object-Oriented Structure as well as lighting fast JVM (JAVA Virtual Machine) runtime environment. Perhaps, Scala enables the developers to modify the quality of their code which actually resembles the pure maths of the Code. Apart from that, developers can create, customize and run their very own data types.

LevelIntermediate and Advanced
Skills RequiredAbstract Thinking, Problem Solving Capabilities, and Object-oriented Structure knowledge.
PopularityNot well known to all, although popular enough.
  • A good start to choose.
  • Flexible.
  • Easily readable.
  • You can access and customize the code.
DisadvantagesNot Specified
UsageWidely used combined with the Java

5. C++

One of the oldest as well as well known in the Computing Languages list is C++. The roots of the programming languages started from C++ before C#, Java or JavaScript. Basically, C++ is the modified version of the C programming language. Both C and C++ are used widely and commonly, also these are considered high-performance languages.

LevelC- Intermediate and Advanced.

C++- Beginner to Intermediate.

Skills RequiredBasic Computer Knowledge, Abstract Thinking, Problem Solving Capabilities and function knowledge of the system.
PlatformDesktop and Mobile
PopularityC++- Known to be one of the most popular in the Programming Languages list
BenefitsC- It is used to learn the fundamentals of the Programming Language at a Lower Level.

C++- Have higher control over other higher languages.

DisadvantagesC- Not much of a User-friendly.

C++- Very much challenging to Use.

UsageBoth C and C++ are widely used across the globe for various purposes, such as business, technical education and highly applicable in a different system.

6. SQL

Structured Query Language or in short SQL remains in the top programming languages list. It comes in function to communicate with a database and thus one can manage systems. SQL is and will be the go-to language to address all the one’s statistics related to most contemporary packages.

7. Go Programming Language

Go is a very little programming language that is actually favored by the Google Corporation. In addition to that, Go is a very ideal choice for the ones, who want to begin their systems programming. Apart from that, this is a combination of the functionality of C and C++. Also, it is not much difficult syntax as well as no steep learning curve for the beginners. It is possibly chosen as the perfect language to build web servers, machine learning packages, and data pipelines. However, Go is an open-source language that provides very fast results.

LevelIntermediate and Advanced
Skills RequiredBasic Computing Language, Abstract Thinking and Problem Solving Capabilities
PopularityPopular enough.
  • A good start for ambitious developers.
  • Flexible to use.
  • Easily readable and customizable.
DisadvantagesNot Specified
UsageWidely used and favored by Google.

3 Types Of Programming Language

8. Kotline

Out of all the above mentioned, the Kotline is a programming language that is basically used by the developers of the Android platforms. After Google declared it as the official language for the Android app development, now Kotline is considered as the 15th most active top attractive language in the List Of Programming Languages. In addition to that, the Kotline is used as the primary language for the development of the android app.

Skills RequiredAndroid-based development knowledge
PopularityKotline is very popular among all the Android Developers and is on high demand
  • Specially built for android developers.
  • Flexible to use on the Android Platform.
  • Easily customizable.
DisadvantagesNot Specified
UsageWidely used by Android Developers.

9. Typescript

Developed by Microsoft, Typescript is an open-source programming language. Basically, it is an application-scale JavaScript. It is the 7th most attractive and popular programming language on the GitHub as well as 10th most popular in the list of all Programming Languages according to Stack Overflow developer survey. Typescript is designed to develop a large application. therefore an experienced is needed to rewrite, run and customize the Typescript. Apart from that, the Typescript is the superset of JavaScript or JavaScript programs. Typescript is commonly used by the top developing enterprises or companies.

Skills RequiredAbstract Thinking, Problem Solving Capabilities and Object-oriented Structure knowledge.
PlatformDesktop and Web
PopularityTypescript is very popular among all the Programmers and is on high demand
  • Specially built for advanced developers.
  • Flexible to use.
DisadvantagesNot Specified
UsageWidely used by Big Developing companies.

10. Swift

Next in the list is the contribution of the Apple Developers, Swift, well known among the Apple users. It is very easy to use and user-friendly. However, the best thing about it is that it shares binary frameworks with others. One of the best choices for beginners. Apart from that, it is used by the industrial for higher quality output. Swift is developed in such a way that the compiler is optimized for better and higher performances and without any compromise. Additionally, Swift can be used on different platforms.

LevelBeginner, Intermediate and Advanced
Skills RequiredBasic Computer Knowledge, Abstract Thinking, Problem Solving Capabilities and Object-oriented Structure knowledge.
PopularitySwift is very popular among all the Programmers and is on high demand for the Apple Developers
  • Very Flexible
  • Easily readable
  • Specially built for advanced developers.
  • Flexible to use.
DisadvantagesNot Specified
UsageWidely used by many users across the globe.

11. Javascript

Top 10 Programming Languages

Last but not the least, well known and popular among all the developers, JavaScript is a high-level programming language. It is mainly used for enhancing the interaction of a user with the webpage. Perhaps, using JavaScript you will be able to make your own website. Besides, it is widely used by the game developers as well as Mobile Application Development. however, you can run it on any platform.

LevelIntermediate and Advanced
Skills RequiredBasic Computer Knowledge, Abstract Thinking, Problem Solving Capabilities and function knowledge of the system.
PlatformDesktop, Web and on any Platforms
PopularityJavaScript is very popular among all the Programmers and is on high demand for the Advance Development
  • Specially built for advanced developers.
  • Flexible to use.
  • Develops Mobile application as well.
DisadvantagesNot Specified
UsageWidely used by Big Developing companies as well as Game Developing games


That is all with the top ten List Of Programming Languages that you can get to know about. Perhaps, there are few more in the list. Although these are the top in the market of 2020 right now.