Microsoft Dynamics Pricing

-->Microsoft dynamics pricing vs salesforce

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) uses the ProductPriceLevel.PricingMethodCode attribute to determine prices. The value of this attribute affects:

  • How the price for the product is determined for each unit of measure that is defined for that product.

  • What attributes are required when you create or update a product price level and its associated product.

    You can also use custom pricing for products instead of using the Dynamics 365 system pricing. More information: Use custom pricing for products

    The following table lists the formulas that are used for each value and the attributes that are required by each value.

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) uses the ProductPriceLevel.PricingMethodCode attribute to determine prices. The value of this attribute affects: How the price for the product is determined for each unit of measure that is defined for that product.

Drop-down list value and equivalent pricing method valueDescription and required attributes
Currency Amount
CurrencyAmount = 1
The price is specified for each unit of measure for each product.
price = amount
For each unit of measure for each product, use the ProductPriceLevel.Amount attribute. Note: The ProductPriceLevel.Amount attribute isn’t platform required if you’re not using the pricing methods provided by Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement. However, if you use the Currency Amount pricing method to determine a price, this attribute is platform required and you must specify a value for this attribute.
Percent of List
PercentListPrice = 2
The price is calculated based on the manufacturer's or distributor's list price.
calculated price = list price x percentage
For each unit of measure for each product, you must enter data for the following attributes:
- Product.Price attribute. This is the List Price in the Product form.
- ProductPriceLevel.Percentage attribute. This is the desired percentage of the list price.
- ProductPriceLevel.RoundingPolicyCode attribute. This is the policy for rounding the price list.
Percent Markup - Current Cost
MarkupCurrentCost = 3
The price is calculated as a percentage of your current cost for the item.
calculated price = current cost x 100% + percentage
For each unit of measure for each product, you must enter data for the following attributes:
- Product.CurrentCost attribute. You must update this cost every time that you receive a shipment of the item.
- ProductPriceLevel.Percentage attribute. This is the percent markup.
- ProductPriceLevel.RoundingPolicyCode attribute.
Percent Margin - Current Cost
MarginCurrentCost =4
The price is based on the profit percentage you want to achieve and your current cost for the item.
calculated price = current cost + [(current cost x percentage)/ (100% - percentage)]
For each unit of measure for each product, you must enter data for the following attributes:
- Product.StandardCost attribute. You must update this cost every time when you receive a shipment of the item.
- ProductPriceLevel.Percentage attribute. This is the profit percentage you want to achieve.
- ProductPriceLevel.RoundingPolicyCode attribute.
Percent Markup - Standard Cost
MarkupStandardCost = 5
The price is calculated as a percentage of the standard cost of the item.
calculated price = standard cost x 100% + percentage
Because the standard cost is updated periodically, the standard cost amount in this equation is an average and will not always be the same as the amount you paid most recently for the item.
For each unit of measure for each product, you must enter data for the following attributes:
- Product.StandardCost attribute. Every time that you update the standard cost, the price changes.
- ProductPriceLevel.Percentage attribute. This is the percent markup.
- ProductPriceLevel.RoundingPolicyCode attribute.
Percent Margin - Standard Cost
MarginStandardCost = 6
The price is based on the profit percentage you want to achieve and the standard cost of the item.
calculated price = standard cost + [(standard cost x percentage)/(100% - percentage)]
Because the standard cost is updated periodically, the standard cost amount in this equation is an average and will not always be the same as the amount you paid most recently for the item.
For each unit of measure for each product, you must enter data for the following attributes:
- Product.StandardCost attribute. Every time that you update the standard cost, the price changes.
- ProductPriceLevel.Percentage attribute. This is the profit percentage you want to achieve.
- ProductPriceLevel.RoundingPolicyCode attribute.

To set the values for the ProductPriceLevel.PricingMethodCode attribute and the other product price level entity attributes, use the IOrganizationService.Update method, passing an instance of the ProductPriceLevel class. To set the values for the product attributes, use the methods in the Product class.

  • How the price for the product is determined for each unit of measure that is defined for that product. What attributes are required when you create or update a product price level and its associated product. You can also use custom pricing for products instead of using the Dynamics 365 system pricing. More information: Use custom pricing for.
  • Review Dynamics GP Module List for a list of all functionality included in each pack. Review each page for a full description of modules: Starter Pack., Extended Pack, Additional Packs. Download the Dynamics GP Price List summary. Click Here For a Free Automated Microsoft Dynamics GP Price Quick Quote; Dynamics GP Online/Cloud Pricing; How To Buy.

See Also

ProductPriceLevel Entity
Product Entity
Product Catalog Entities


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Appropriate roles

  • Global admin
  • User management admin
  • Admin agent
  • MPN partner admin
  • Sales agent
  • Billing admin

To see the latest Cloud Solution Provider programs and offers, from the Partner Portal dashboard, go to Sell > Pricing and Offers. You'll find separate price lists for the different types of products that are available. The following price lists are available on the Pricing and Offers page:

  • License-based services includes pricing information for Office 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Security E3, as well as and Dynamics 365. License-based pricing section includes current and preview pricing as well as the offer list matrix. Price lists include list price and estimated retail prices (ERP) for offers in all supported currencies. The offer list matrix includes market availability and other important information about the offers. These files are updated on the first day of every month.
  • Usage-based services includes pricing information for Microsoft Azure and Visual Studio. You can also use the Azure Services in CSP Pricing Calculator. The usage-based download includes both the CSP price lists for all supported currencies as well as the Shared Services pricing files in ERP. These files are updated on the first day of every month.
  • Microsoft Azure Reserved Instances includes pricing information for all supported currencies for Azure Reserved Instances. The pricing download also includes the Shared Services pricing in ERP. These files are updated on the first day of every month.
  • Software subscriptions includes pricing for term-based software subscriptions for all supported currencies. The price file includes all supported currencies with list price and MSRP. These files are updated on the first day of every month.
  • Azure plan pricing includes pricing information for Azure plan consumption services as well as Azure plan reservation pricing. Prices are direct prices or ERP and can be retrieved for any given supported market. The data in these files is refreshed every day.
  • Foreign exchange rates are used to calculate billing charged between USD and the partners local currency. The rates are updated on the first of every month and hold true for the given month the rates are made available. These files are updated on the first day of every month.
  • Marketplace includes pricing for ISV solutions from Microsoft's commercial marketplace. Prices are retrieved per market. The data in these files is refreshed every day.


Only CSP partners with the capability to transact can view and download price lists. Indirect resellers should contact their CSP provider to request details about pricing

Price list preview and change frequency

License-based services include a price list preview, provided 30 days in advance of any changes. To see the price list preview, go to Sell > Pricing and offers. There's no price preview for usage-based services since these services are dynamic. The following table explains how to read the price list table.

ADDA new item to the price list
CHGChanges in list price from month to month. Other changes not related to list price may occur, partners should compare price lists between months to determine changes to other properties.
DELAn item removed from the price list
UNCList price unchanged from the previous month's price list
Valid from dateThe first date an offer can be ordered
Valid to dateThe last date an offer can be ordered
Offer display nameThe customer facing name for the offer
Offer IDThe internal identifier for the offer
License agreement typeLicense agreement types can be either corporate, government, or academic. The agreement type determines which customer types the offer can be sold to.
Purchase unitThe duration of offer being purchased. Purchase units are typically one month.
Secondary license typeSecondary license types will be either non-specific, add-on, or trial. Add-on indicates that there are prerequisite products the customer must purchase before purchasing the add-on.
End customer typeRelates back to license agreement type: corporate license - cloud reseller corporate, government license - cloud reseller government, or academic license - cloud reseller faculty or cloud reseller student
List priceThe price the partner will pay
ERP priceThe estimated or recommended retail price to the customer

Price changes

Price changes are a common occurrence. Partners can anticipate price changes for license-based offers by looking at the price list preview. On the Partner Center dashboard, open the Pricing and Offers page to see the price list preview.

However, Azure usage-based pricing has no preview. Partners can keep up with Azure consumption price changes by using the RateCard API, which returns that day's meter pricing.

Type of productProduct examplesPreview availableChange details
License-basedOffice, Dynamics, Intune, Windows Enterprise30-dayList price changes marked CHNG in preview price lists
Usage-basedAzure resourcesNot availableChange log available in previous month's price list's Change History tab
SoftwareNot availableCompare price lists manually from month to month
ReservationsVirtual machines, pre-paidNot availableCompare price lists manually from month to month

Usage-based prices can change throughout a month. To get 'current' daily pricing for these Azure resources, partners need to call the RateCard API.


Subscription price changes apply only during a renewal. A partner's monthly charge is determined at the price of purchase, or the price at the time of creating a subscription. If a price increases or decrease after the annual term is acquired, the partner is not charged the changed price until the renewal - typically at the 12-month term.

Pricing and special segments

CSP offers some services to special market segments, for example, education, non-profit and government community cloud. Not all services are available in every channel. No segment defaults to what we call the 'commercial' segment. All license-based pricing is available in the license-based price list on the Pricing and Offers page. Azure Government pricing is available in the usage-based price list when signed into the Azure Government enabled CSP tenant. Software subscriptions and perpetual software do not yet support these special segments.

Segmentwho needs to qualifyPartner qualifies customerEnabled product types
EducationCustomerNo, customer qualification will be performed by MicrosoftLicense-based only
Non-profitCustomerNo, customer qualifies outside of Partner CenterLicense-based only
Government Community Cloud (GCC)Partner and customerOnce GCC enabled, partner can create GCC customersLicense-based only
Azure GovernmentPartnerOnce qualified, partner operates in a CSP tenant specific to Azure GovernmentAzure resources

Partner margins, the difference between the list price and the estimated retail prices, may vary from segment to segment. Typically, education and non-profit tend to have lower or no margins for CSP partners. Refer to the license-based price list for exact values.

Add-on offer types

License-based services can be acquired as either base offers or add-ons. Only base offers are discoverable and purchasable via the Partner Center catalog. You must apply add-ons after purchasing the base offers. The license-based price list Secondary license type column includes information about each offer and its type. Base offers have Non-specific values in the price list secondary license type column and can be purchased in the catalog. Secondary license type values of add-on cannot be purchased in the catalog. To purchase these add-ons:

  1. Consult the offer list matrix to see the list of offer IDs that need to be purchased before you can purchase an add-on.
  2. Purchase the base offer from the catalog
  3. Navigate to your customer from the customer list. Click on the subscription for the base offer you just purchased. On the manage subscription page you will see available add-ons that can be applied to the base offer.


Some base offers have Unit type values of Add-on licenses. For a base offer this simply means that you do not assign user licenses after purchasing. If the offer can be purchased in the catalog it is a Base offer regardless of the unit type in the user interface.

Pricing between Azure and non-Azure

Pricing differs across different types of offers. License-based pricing is typically the amount per license for a given month. Usage-based pricing is determined by use of a given resource, with an associated meter ID. Partners are not charged for acquiring the Azure subscription. However, partners are charged for resources consumed by different deployments under the Azure subscription. Pricing in the usage-based price list is organized around different resource meter IDs in Azure.

Azure reservations are term-based purchases for the particular resource type - Virtual Machines. Purchasing an Azure reservation enables a partner to pre-pay (one- or three-year terms) and reserve a given virtual machine. Reservations save the partner money and ensuring their virtual machine is always available for the duration of the term. A partner can align the reservation they want against the usage-based resource meter IDs. The meter IDs are consistent across the resource, whether the partner is purchasing a virtual machine or simply deploying the virtual machine as a usage-based resource.

Offers matrix

On the Pricing and offers page, view the Cloud Reseller Offer Matrix, to read about the different SKUs and product bundles available to you to sell. The offers matrix includes which offers are available per locale. If an item is listed on the price list but not on the offer matrix, it means that the products cannot be ordered yet. As soon as they are available to order, the offers matrix is updated.

For CSP partners who use the Partner Center Software Development Kits (SDKs). Microsoft also publishes a list of the Azure Services in CSP on the Pricing and offers page.

Offers matrix and price list questions

If you have questions about the price list or offer matrix, submit a service request through the Partner Center.

Offer limits

Some license-based offers have certain rules and limitations that prohibit multiple purchases for the same customer. These rules apply to most trials and many of the small business offers. Small business offers are defined by those offers that have a maximum license count that is less than 300.

These purchasing constraints are defined as part of the offer configuration and can be found by looking in the offer list matrix. Two columns of data work together to define the enforcement: 1. Offer Limit Scope and 2. Offer Limit. The constraints are enforced during a purchase. The catalog in partner center will disallow a partner from purchasing more offers than the rules allow. Any attempt to violate the constraints will result in an error.

Offer limit scope is recorded as a column on the offer list matrix and can have values of None, Lifetime or Concurrent.

  • Offers with None can be purchased withoutconstraints.
  • Lifetime offers can be purchased only once.
  • Concurrent offers can be purchased as many times as is allowed by the Offer Limit value for that offer. Most trials have a Lifetime Offer Limit Scope with an Offer Limit of '1'. Most small business offers have a Concurrent Offer Limit Scope with an Offer Limit of '2'.

Microsoft Dynamics Pricing India


Concurrency limits are enforced even if an offer is canceled. An offer must be completely canceled and then deprovisioned in order to free up an additional space allowing for another purchase.

Taxes and pricing

All pricing in partner center CSP price lists is tax inclusive. For more information in the Partner Center document Taxes and tax exemptions.

Multi-year term offers

36 month offers

There are approximately 50 Dynamics offers that have three-year terms. These are identified by (36 mo) in the title of the offers. These offers are similar to the yearly term offers. The only difference is around their term. These offers have a three-year term so that the subscriptions renew automatically after three years instead of one. Below is a summary of how these offers work:

  • Terms are 36 months, subscriptions will renew automatically after three years
  • Partners can cancel or change the number of licenses throughout the term of the subscription
  • Annual renewal will be at the price of purchase time for the three-year term
  • Billing frequency is still yearly or monthly
Microsoft Dynamics Pricing

72 month offers

Microsoft 365 A1 base offer has a six-year term. The Office 365 A1 add-ons are available after purchasing this base offer.

Offer nameOffer IDType
Microsoft 365 A1778a4dce-0014-4d53-8647-314ef2b091d2Base offer
Office 365 A1 for faculty (for Device)0757d14e-7c57-456f-8dab-47d164f2ff1fAdd-on
Office 365 A1 for students (for Device)bae285a9-d56b-4384-b02f-38adc61a6f12Add-on

Below is a summary of how these offers work:

  • Term is for 72 months or six years
  • Subscription is not renewed and expires after six years
  • Billing frequency on the offer shows as annual but the partner is billed up front on their first invoice after acquiring the subscription
  • Subscriptions for A1 72-month offers are locked after purchase and cannot be canceled and license counts cannot be added to the subscription after initial purchase
  • This subscription is non-cancelable and non-refundable.

Dynamics 365 Pricing

Estimated retail price (ERP)

Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains Pricing

Most price lists include a list price, the price the partner is billed, and the estimated retail price. Estimated retail price (ERP) is also called Microsoft suggested retail price or MSRP. These two values, ERP and MSRP, represent the estimated market value of the products if a customer were to purchase the products directly from Microsoft. Below are where to find ERP/MSRP details for each type of product or service.

Product or ServiceERP and MSRP price list details
Product or ServiceERP and MSRP price list details
License-based servicesListed as ERP in the license-based price lists
Azure usage-based servicesCan be found in the Shared Services equivalent price lists
Azure reservationsCan be found in the Shared Services equivalent price lists
Azure plan usage basedPrices are retail non-discounted in price sheets
Azure plan reservationsReference Azure reservations shared services price lists
Software subscriptionsListed as MSRP in software subscriptions price lists
MarketplaceListed as MSRP in Marketplace price lists

Microsoft Dynamics Pricing 5 Users

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